Monday 23 December 2013

This poem was written by myself together with brainstorming sessions with my son Aaryikh and my brother Ranesh Ramdhani as a tribute to Tata Madiba for his 95th birthday.Words and thoughts flowed freely. An unforgettable experience for a unique soul.

Tuesday 30 July 2013


                                              AN ODE TO NELSON MANDELA                          15 July 2013

                                                     Wings of Freedom               by Aneela Hardin            

18 July 1918 –  A baby’s cry in a village/ nestled  in Mvezo South Africa/ –signals the birth of a brilliant star / named  Rolihlahla.

Spending memorable pastimes/ in Qunu trading cattle !  Unbeknown his life in future/ would become a constant battle!

Eating mielies, sorghum, beans and pumpkin/ was a humble person,/ Soon to be known /as the mighty Nelson!

Losing his father /at the tender age of nine,/ there was no time/ for little Nelson to whine!

Off to the “Great Place”/ did the boy and his mother tread , Under Chief Jogintaba’s and Sisulu’s guardianship/ did his influence spread!

At the age of 16, /innocent and ripe for education/ he care-fully followed/ the rules of the Xhosa tradition.

And in learning the culture /and ideals of British domination,/ Was a youth being groomed/ to lead a troubled nation.

Who/ in his quest/ for freedom against repression - Nelson himself/would become a model instituition!

Then/ in the volatile and agitated Alexandra township, /a struggle and fierce determination /became Madiba’s place of internship!

Amidst the tsotsi gangsterism /and poverty and strife, A lawyer/ Rohlihlahla Nelson Mandela /came to life!

With a passion for freedom, economics and politics, / He would soon become/ a man so prolific!

Then was the time/ for reflection/ when the demonic apartheid era /caused much oppression /and sadly begrudged /the peoples affection!

27 years of his own life/ did he lend/-bearing cruelty, captivity, atrocity! And- /In a tiny hellhole cell, he did- / many a precious year, unflinchingly -  spend!!!

Whilst in prison/ he lay caged and oppressed, / Outside -the masses/ grew strong in song and protest.

Come 1994 – And at the end of an oppressive regime-/emerges - a regal humble soul by nature, Who becomes a world icon-/a legend of the greatest stature!

Bound by Gandhian principles/ of non- violence and peace, he began to transform the nation /with bravery and  ease!

He skilfully took the reigns /of a political storm, /And gently steered South Africa/ to a life of norm!

What a rare occurrence/ for all the world to see, Is the life of a forgiving human being /an icon- as he!

As the wings of freedom is shining bright / and in sight, May we forge ahead with unity/ and reconciliation in our flight!

Oh/ South Africa -   How Bold is our Gold!!!

Our hero! Our inspiration! Our icon!

Let us behold!   Tata Madiba    as his life/ before us /- so suddenly unfolds!  

18 July 2013- And now/ as Your divine Angels/ hover gracefully over this generous soul,/

 My fervent prayer , Dear Lord, /is that…/ Your Abode becomes his ultimate goal!!!